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S Y S T E M S   R E S E T

Learn the Operation System that We Used to 4x Our Revenue*

September 20-21, 2024

Austin, Texas

(Limited to 20 People)

Secure My Spot

Are you a…


You’re wearing 7 different hats trying to do everything but overwhelm keeps you feeling like you’re doing nothing

—is this the only way?


Your leads are ghosting, your clients are randomly dropping off, you feel like you’re doing everything right

—so why?


You’re trying to turn your service-providing expertise into a course but all the tech is driving you nuts and slowing you down

—how much more can there be?

We get it.

For three years, our revenue was plateaued.

Sure we would see growth, but we also saw dips. It was a constant cycle of feast or famine.

👉 Doing everything but accomplishing nothing
👉 Starting projects but never finishing them
👉 Creating all the plans but never following through with them
👉 Having multiple people trying to fulfill the same role
👉 Constant states of overwhelm and analysis paralysis
👉 Solely focusing on outbound leads and new client generation with nothing inbound
👉 Clients dropping off because they fell through cracks before we could patch them
👉 Feeling like we never knew what to work on next

We figured out we didn’t have a passion problem, a service problem, or even a lead generation problem.

We had a SYSTEMS problem.

We spent time identifying our black holes and developing our new DRIP SYSTEMS framework. Within NINE months of implementing…

…we quadrupled our revenue in less than 9 months without a single ad.*

At SYSTEMS RESET, this is what we’re going to teach.

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We know you’ve experienced at least one of these.

Wasted Time

Most people don’t build out systems because they think it’s wasting valuable time. Why not work on sales that directly impact the bottom line? Here’s why: you’re waisting a sh*t ton more time sitting in overwhelm with a complete lack of forward progress in growing and scaling your business.

Communication Breakdown

You are wearing multiple hats and/or you have multiple people working on and in the business without having roles clearly defined. This disrupts collaboration, it delays decision-making, and worst of all, it silos ideas and information which can negatively impact your client’s results.

Client Service Sucks

Your systems are the glue that holds everything you do together. If your systems suck or are non-existent, it will 100% impact your client’s experience with you. At best, they stick around because you’re that good at what you do, and literally nothing else. At worst, they leave with a bad taste in their mouth and tell everyone about it.

Your Data Collection Sucks

It’s bad enough that your leads sit there collecting cyberdust, but it’s worse when you don’t have the correct systems in place to enhance your client’s results and experience. Good systems turn clients into Super Fans and help you make really, really smart future marketing decisions.

Scalability Issues

If you have weak systems, you can kiss healthy, sustainable growth goodbye. And scaling with weak systems? Fuhgeddaboudit. This is a recipe for the Feast & Famine cycle—not Growth and Scale, and definitely not profit.

Increased Ops Costs

You probably think you need to hire 1-2 more people, when really, you just need to iron out and streamline some stuff. A.k.a. build out your systems. You know A.I. exists, right? We can show you how to use it, as well as actually be productive with the man power you already have.

In this 2-day event, you’ll:

✅ Learn what systems are and are NOT (hint: they’re not checklists)
✅ Understand why and how they connect all parts of your business
✅ Create your own Operations system that will 10x your implementation and productivity
✅ Know how to run a weekly meeting to actually get sh*t done and progress forward
✅ Be able to identify black holes, prioritize projects, and tackle them with confidence
✅ Reach all your relevant, personalized goals so you can live a life truly aligned with YOU

Secure My Spot

Listen to Previous DROPPERs.

An Industry-Leading Seminar Company
Wade Port
MLS Seminars
Marietta, Georgia

    2-Location Physical Therapy Clinic
    Leslie Heizman
    Little Rock, Arkansas

      10+ Years Chiropractic Practice
      Dr. Erik Simms
      Triple Crown Chiropractic
      Walton, Kentucky

        Here are teasers.

        “Buying Behavior” and Your Offers

          Alex discussing your “Business GPS”

            “The financial ceiling with a brick-and-mortar”

              Okay, okay, okay.

              You’ve been to masterminds and conferences. How is this one different?

              Glad you asked.

              No boring hotel conference rooms.

              Only intimate, kickass spaces.

              Nothing against hotel conference rooms, we just don’t vibe with them for the vision we had for DROP. After attending dozens of conferences, workshops, and events, we knew the type of event we wanted to create would be an EXPERIENCE—where you leave with assets and actual work done while feeling like you’re on vacation the entire time.

              No detail is spared. Our venues set the stage. We need your jaws to drop or it’s not good enough.

              Secure My Spot

              Actual Venue

              We’re not teaching concepts and calling it a day.

              The high-level stuff is important so we hit on it, but we don’t leave you there.

              There’s nothing worse than being told you’re learning systems when actually it’s just concepts. You go home and try to implement, but you can’t, because there wasn’t really anything tactical—just a bunch of ideas with zero process or how-to.

              The way we format DROP allows us to get deep into the nitty gritty. Then, we provide the time and space necessary to workshop together in real-time.

              Secure My Spot

              No outside speakers who want to sell their program.

              This is a workshop, periodt.

              Honestly, we love meeting cool people and learning from other experts at conference-style events. They deliver high-level concepts or part of their story and then you’re invited to buy their stuff for more—totally get it, we respect the hustle. But DROP isn’t the time and place for that. You’re coming because you’ve already got the content, you just need to figure out the systems to actually ACT on it. It’s a workshop, not a conference. You’re investing in your ability to get sh*t done. So, let’s work!

              Secure My Spot

              No “registration only” tickets.

              We supply all the goods.

              Sure, you’re buying a ticket for “registration” to the event, BUT your ticket actually includes a lot of other stuff. For instance, lunch is provided for you both workshop days. Tasty and healthy snacks (Alex is a chiropractor, after all) are in abundance. All the coffee, tea, and water (3 kinds of water, btw) you could ask for is provided, as well as “adult beverages.” Not to mention, the MYSTERY SATURDAY NIGHT EXPERIENCE. All of this is included in your registration fee—whether you’re a VIP or a standard ticket holder, it doesn’t matter. It’s pretty all-inclusive, baby.

              Secure My Spot

              No post-event overwhelm.

              We are super clear on next steps and deliverables.

              It’s super common to leave a seminar or conference feeling really inspired, only to wake up on Monday morning feeling like everything is urgent, you’re already behind, and there’s no way to catch up. So then, you just double down on what you’re already doing without implementing any of what you learned. We have made it our job to avoid that cycle. We realized you don’t actually LEARN when you’re sitting inside a conference room with 200 other people taking okay-ish notes that you won’t reference when you get home. Again, you don’t need more content, you need clarity, embodiment, and a way to take action that continues to serve you. We provide all three at DROP.

              Secure My Spot

              No content-fatigue or event burnout.

              We refuse to have you feel like you’re drinking from a firehose.

              Because we keep the content precise and, again, this is a *workshop*, we avoid the feelings of information overload. Our goal at DROP isn’t to impress you with a bunch of new content or our expertise—we don’t need to show off. We always keep in mind that we created this experience for YOU. It is about YOU and helping YOU be more successful. This is why DROP is largely all-inclusive—because you don’t have to make very many, if any, choices. Instead, you get to just BE while you work with our guidance. From the venue choice, to capping attendance, providing laser-focused content, to food choices, event choices, and allocating plenty of time for integration and workshopping… you go home feeling lit up, with deliverables and a clear path of what your next steps are.

              Secure My Spot

              No surface-level answers.

              We “hot seat” everyone…and we go deep.

              We noticed a trend with many of our clients—they have all the answers to the questions like “who’s your ideal client?”…but they’re still stuck. So, what’s the problem? The answers they have aren’t the root. They’re not real. They sound nice, they’re technically correct, but they’re not actually aligned with the person who’s giving them. We have a talent for spotting this a mile away, and at DROP, we know the secret… You need to be in the right environment with the right people learning the right things to actually break through the sh*t in your head. We believe having ONE uncomfortable conversation now will ensure you don’t have the same one for the rest of your life. You deserve to create the success YOU want, not someone else’s version of it.

              Secure My Spot

              No sitting and consuming all day.

              It’s work… but it’s work AND play.

              A typical conference has you sitting at a table or desk for 6-8 hours/day. We know that’s not conducive to actual learning. Our brains need novelty, movement, and comfort in order to facilitate true breakthroughs, which is simply uncovering answers you didn’t realize you already had. We keep this top of mind in how we structure DROP. Additionally, we believe in embracing your inner weirdo. In playing and having fun! When you can truly be yourself in community of like-minded people pursuing similar goals, the sky’s the limit of what gets accomplished. We organize our MYSTERY DROP EVENT on Saturday night to be the culmination of the “play” piece. Just like the venue, if your jaw doesn’t drop, it’s not good enough. Get hyped!

              Secure My Spot

              Your Hosts

              CLAY MOSLEY

              VISION WIZARD

              Sold a 7-Figure Agency

              ALEX MOSLEY


              Successful Chiropractor with 98% Close Ratio and Retention

              September 20-21, 2024  /  Austin, Texas

              The Venue

              Here’s what you need to know:

              💧It’s always kickass — we like to kick ass

              💧It’s intimate so we can actually get shit done in your business — we cap this event to 20 people

              💧It’s a one-of-a-kind experience — we aim to please

              💧It’s a genuine Austin, Instagram-worthy vibe — we keep it weird

              💧Specifically for DROP: Unplugged, it’s going to be a place to feel like you can unplug and focus.

              Secure My Spot

              The Itinerary

              Thursday, September 19:

              • Organized Dinner for VIPs Only

              Friday, September 20:

              • Pre-Game Socializing — 9:30am
              • Content, Workshopping, & Hot Seats — 10am – 4pm
              • Coffee, Drinks, Snacks, & Lunch included
              • Pool Time, Informal Q&A, Workshop Wrap-Up — Starts 4pm
              • Organized but Unofficial Dinner — 7pm

              Saturday, September 21:

              • Pre-Game Socializing — 9:30am
              • Content, Workshopping, & Hot Seats — 10am to 6pm
              • Coffee, Drinks, Snacks, & Lunch included
              • Saturday Night Dinner & Pool Party

              Secure My Spot

              Here’s a Few Moments from Our Previous DROP Event

              Annnnnnnd the OG group photos.

              Still need convincing? Watch these.

              17-Year Chiropractic Practice
              Dr. Brian McCarley
              Genesis Family Chiropractic
              Noblesville, Indiana

                Startup Business
                Dr. Vanessa Broome
                Sound Chiropractic
                Long Island, New York

                    Startup Business
                    Dr. Jenene Cherney
                    Sound Chiropractic
                    Long Island, New York

                      Are you ready for a transformational experience?

                      8 (out of 15) Remaining

                      Standard Ticket

                      Entry to the Event

                      All Meals, Snacks, and Beverages Included
                      (Excluding Thursday and Friday Nights)

                      Saturday Night Dinner & Pool Party

                      $2,495 Per Person

                      Reserve Your Spot

                      Sold Out

                      VIP Upgrade

                      Everything in Standard Ticket

                      Organized VIP Dinner Thursday

                      Onsite Venue Lodging with Clay & Alex for 3 Nights

                      24/7 Access to Clay & Alex to Discuss Business & Life

                      $4,990 Per Room

                      (Room can be shared)

                      SOLD OUT


                      *WARNING: Please read the FAQ below before signing up for a VIP Upgrade*

                      Got Questions? We Got Answers.

                      Sign-Up Questions

                      Can I bring my kids to the event?

                      As much as we love kids and want our own to be there, unfortunately, we are not allowing kids at the event or the Saturday Night Experience. There are two reasons:

                      • We want the workshopping parts to be as intentional and distraction-free as possible. And all of us parents know that kids can sometimes be unpredictable. And we want you to get as much out of the event as possible.
                      • Due to our Saturday Night Experiences being mostly adult activity, we are prohibiting kids at this part of our event. In addition, most of our Saturday events require a specific head count and small capacity. As much as we want to, we simply cannot include kiddos in this.

                      We do have personal recommendations of sitters in the Austin area that we have personally used if you would like an introduction.

                      I want to bring a business partner or key person. Can they attend?

                      Short answer, yes!

                      Due to the capacity of our event, we are limiting any “plus ones” to just ONE. And that “plus one” needs to be an active business partner or key employee involved in your business on a day-to-day basis. And that person will need to register and pay for a separate admission ticket. The exception is if you are a DRIP Y or Z member, then they can attend for free (but must still register).

                      A friend, spouse, or partner who is NOT involved in the business is not allowed. The reason is because we do lots of workshopping and “hot seats” during the event and everyone attending needs to have a deep understanding of the business going into the event.

                      One last note: We do not recommend bringing an employee who is NOT a key person due to the possibility of this person being a short-term employee.


                      Yes! The VIP spots are sold as rooms, not per person. If you don’t mind sharing a room with someone, we don’t mind. Just let us know who you are sharing with. Only one person needs to pay for the VIP upgrade. As far as splitting, you work it out amongst yourselves.

                      Some rooms may share a “Jack & Jill” bathroom. (see room descriptions in next section)

                      And it varies as far as number of beds per room.

                      What are the VIP Upgrade room descriptions?

                      We’re still negotiating the venue. Stay tuned.

                      Here’s what we do know (subject to change):

                      • Each bedroom will have an attached full bathroom
                      • Most bedrooms will have a full en suite bathroom
                      • Some bedrooms will share a “Jack & Jill” bathroom with another room
                      • All bedrooms will vary as far as size of bed and quantity. Our goal is to have at least one bed that is a queen or king size.
                      • No bedrooms (that are assigned) will not be “dorm room” style with bunk beds.
                      • No one will sleep on couches or couch beds.
                      • Everyone will have full privacy of four walls and a door.

                      UPDATE: Here are the room descriptions (in case you want to share).

                      • #1 – Downstairs bedroom – 2 queen beds – Full Bath
                      • #2 – Downstairs bedroom – 1 king bed – Full Bath
                      • #3 – Upstairs bedroom – 2 queen beds – Full Bath
                      • #4 – Upstairs bedroom – 1 king bed – Shared bath with #5
                      • #5 – Upstairs bedroom – 1 king bed – Shared bath with #4
                      My spouse/partner or friend is making the trip with me. Can they attend the evening festivities?

                      Yes to the evening events! “No” to the workshopping parts.

                      As mentioned in the previous question, due to the limited capacity of our event, we are limiting the workshop parts to ONLY the business owner and their partners/key person.

                      With that said, spouses and partners who do not attend the workshop are absolutely invited to the Friday and Saturday night activities. We will cover the costs for them.

                      Because we make custom accommdations for all activities, we will need to know if they are going to join us for the evening activities 30 days prior to the event. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee they can attend.

                      Please note: Anyone who is not considered a spouse/partner or key employee (i.e. friends) cannot attend any DROP activities.

                      Can I pay with installments?

                      Because each DROP Experience event is roughly three months apart, we will allow the fee to be paid with installments.

                      3-Pay will be available 90 days before the event and 2-Pay 60 days prior to the event.

                      What is the refund policy?

                      The following refund policies are in place because we must make custom accommodations for each person attending.

                      For non-members and DRIP X members:

                      • Cancellation within 45 days of event: 50% refund
                      • Cancellation within within 30 days of event: No refunds

                      Because all DRIP Y and Z members get free standard admission, they are subject the following refund policy:

                      • Cancellation within 45 days of event: An automatic charge will be made one day prior to the event for 25% of the standard admission price. We will allow a 50% refund for the VIP Upgrade.
                      • Cancellation within 30 days of the event: An automatic charge will be made one day prior to the event for 50% of the standard admission price. No refunds on VIP Upgrades.


                      • DRIPIFY may accept a ticket/VIP upgrade to another attendee and must be approved by DRIPIFY. If approved, the monetary transaction is handled between the two parties.
                      • Other exceptions can be made in certain situations such as emergencies. This is at the discretion of DRIPIFY.

                      Travel & Lodging Questions

                      For the VIP Upgrade, does each bedroom have its own bathroom?

                      Every event is going to be different since we choose a different venue.

                      With that said, we try to find a venue that has a full bath with each VIP room. Sometimes this is difficult to accommodate. Most of the time, there will be one or two rooms that will share a “Jack & Jill” bathroom that will be shared with other VIP-ers.

                      The fee is the same no matter which room you choose. As far as who gets the rooms with the full baths, it’s a “first come, first serve” basis.

                      For the VIP Upgrade, who chooses the room assignments?

                      Those who sign up for the VIP Upgrade first get “first dibs” on whether they want a room with a full bath vs. a shared bath.

                      Outside of this, Clay & Alex will decide the room assignments and you will be shown upon arrival on that Thursday.

                      When do you recommend flying in and out for the event?

                      We recommend flying in Thursday and departing Sunday morning. Another note: For your departure on Sunday, arriving at the airport two hours prior to your flight is plenty of time. We will likely be hanging out late Saturday night so maybe an early Sunday morning flight is not the best choice. Make good decisions.

                      How far is the airport to the event venue?

                      The venue is in Leander, just outside of Austin, Texas. It’s about 40 minutes from the Austin Airport, depending on time of day.

                      What transportation options are available?

                      Uber and Lyft are very prominent FROM the airport. It is available from the venue, but it’s more limited. We recommend scheduling Uber/Lyft from the venue to the city/airport. All major rental car companies are available (book ahead of time). If you want to rent a car, we recommend Turo as they are usually less expensive than traditional car rental.

                      What lodging do you recommend?

                      Obviously, we recommend the VIP Upgrade where lodging at the venue is included. For all other attendees, you will get a more detailed onboarding packet that will include all kinds of travel tid bits, including recommended lodging.

                      The venue is in Leander, Texas if you’re looking for an answer right now.

                      Will there be "down time" to explore the city?

                      The only scheduled “down time” is on the first day (Friday) where we scheduled in some pool time starting at 4pm. We don’t have anything officially scheduled for that Friday evening so you are welcome to explore that night. Outside of that, we recommend extending your trip to explore.

                      Event Questions

                      What should I bring to the event?

                      Bring comfortable and casual clothing, swim suits, laptop, something to take notes with, and all other travel essentials.

                      Will there be breakfast provided both days?

                      Good questions! We will have plenty of “grab and go” stuff such as patries, bagels, fruit, etc. There will not be a “hot” breakfast. As far as beverages, we will have coffee, tea, sparkling water, and still water. 

                      And since we’re mentioning food here, lunch is provided both days as well as the Saturday Night Experience (Friday night dinner not included).

                      Do I need to prepare for the Saturday night experience?

                      Specifically for DROP: Unplugged, unlike our DROP: Experience events, the Saturday night dinners and after-parties will be known ahead of time. And they are usually on-site.

                      What if I have food allergies?

                      We will ask about food allergies during onboarding and will try to accommodate as best as we can. No guarantees as some experiences we book may not allow us to accommodate.

                      *These are our results only. Please know that we cannot guarantee any results and that experiences may vary.

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