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How to Sell Around the Clock on Autopilot Every Single Day

Hiring a Marketing Agency Ever Again

Full transparency…it’s 60 minutes.
We hate long ass videos, too.
But this will change your life.

Is this familiar to you?

Feeling Stuck

You feel like you’re stuck running on a never-ending hamster wheel.

You’ve got several years of experience and you’re freakin’ good at what you do. Whether that’s working a job in a career, owning/operating a brick-and-mortar business, or just side-hustling your passion project you’d love to make your full-hustle project, you can’t seem to gain any real momentum. Maybe you’ve plateaued, your business is in transition, or you just can’t find the way to the next level. Either way, you know you’re stuck, you’re just not sure how to stop running in place.

You’re not alone.

And guess what? There’s a way out.

Feeling Stuck

Marketing has you feeling overwhelmed and confused on what to do next and when.

There are so many different strategies, tactics, social platforms, ad platforms, and all kinds of marketing “experts” saying do this and do that, often contradicting one another… Not to mention, marketing is a fast-paced, evolving industry where things can change at the drop of a hat. There really is always something new to learn! For the average person, it’s a perfect recipe for Analysis Paralysis.

No wonder you’re confused and overwhelmed.

You feel like you need to do it all. Perhaps someone told you that, too. Maybe you’ve even been told “it’s easy!”.
*insert eyeroll*.

There’s hope.

Feeling Stuck

You’re exhausted and feel like you’ve tried everything.

And none of it worked, right? That can be frustrating as hell. I get it. The worst part is it jades you about the whole process. You’re probably thinking right now “how is this supposed to be any different?”

Here’s the thing though…

Marketing wasn’t designed to be done in pieces. Marketing has pieces and parts, just like a car. But a car doesn’t actually get you anywhere unless you’ve built it correctly.

We can pick up and put down different marketing tactics and strategies all day, but until we ultimately get them all humming together as one, we won’t see anything take off.

So you’re right, in a sense. You’ve tried everything and marketing doesn’t work…

Until it actually does.

If any of that speaks to you, watch this video.
Yes, it’s 60 minutes. And yes, we know what we’re asking. Yes, we may be that crazy.

Just do it.

Those feelings we just mentioned? They’re generated by these

bullsh*t myths

“Marketing is just lead generation”

While lead generation is an important indicator in making sure your marketing is successful, it’s definitely not what marketing is.

Lead generation, and successful lead generation at that, only happens when all your business’ marketing parts and pieces are where they need to be and doing what they need to do. They’re all working together to create a successful outcome, often (but not always) in the form of new leads.

And guess what the best part is?

When your marketing machine is built correctly, you don’t have to spend a buttload of money on ads or hire some joker that promises 60 leads in 60 days.

“To do it right, you need to hire a marketing agency”

First of all, most agencies are bullsh*t. I would know… I sold two of them. The model is completely broken for small business owners, coaches, consultants, and course creators. The agencies make the money. The client, aka YOU, waits around for something to happen.

There’s over 100 things to build out a complete marketing system that runs on autopilot and agencies do literally 5 of them.

The fact is, even if they are good, you’re dependent on them. If you decided to hate the agency owner because they cut in line at Chick-fil-A and wanted to stop paying him, your entire marketing system would collapse.

What if you didn’t have to lease a car you could simply “afford”? What if you could build your dream car all on your own for a fraction of the cost?

“Post content everywhere, every single day.”

I’m not gonna lie, posting original content consistently is important for anyone trying to make real money. BUT it’s only a fraction of the formula to make your marketing work.

You need an entire marketing system that runs on autopilot FIRST. What’s the point of posting content if they got nowhere to go? Do they just keep watching your 10sec TikTok videos? Then what?

They go to your website and… what’s the flow?

I’ve got personal friends who are influencers (over a half million followers) and they make ZERO money off of it.

If you hate TikTok, you don’t have to do it! You can actually focus on posting original content in whatever form makes you feel best because that’s what will resonate most with your future clients. And if that means not dancing on TikTok, I don’t blame you.

I was fired from 8 jobs, eatin’ Ramen noodles, and $50k+ in credit card debt

I Was Fired 8 Times

From 2005 to 2012, the most I ever made in a year was $48,000. I was hopping job to job, getting fired from most of them. Unsure what I wanted to do with my life.

I gained a lot of experience jobs and making money for other people. But I was one of those people who did things in two steps when it’s “suppose” to take five and got a better result. Unfortunately, my bosses didn’t like it.

And I was fired a lot. Eight times actually.

I finally decided that that I needed to work for myself, but I had…

👉 Zero business experience
👉 Zero sales experience
👉 Zero marketing experience

I was making ZERO money.

I had to figure it out fast.

I Tried Multiple Online Courses and Programs

Because I knew nothing about sales, marketing, or business, I had to learn from somewhere. So I did what everyone else was doing…

I spent thousands on multiple courses and programs.

None of them worked for a few reasons…

  • Consumed the content but did not execute
  • Nothing was organized and never knew what order to do things
  • All of them lacked community
  • The course/program creator was non-existent

Nothing was working for me. Nothing.

So I decided to hustle and grind.

Success! (the f*cking hard way)

The hustle and grind method worked…but it was so f*cking hard.

I only made $35,000 in 2015, but I learned a lot of lessons. That’s just revenue.

In 2016, I made $99,000.

In 2017, I made $526,000.

In 2018, I made $864,000.

And in 2019, I made $1,046,861.

Then I sold the 7-figure a year business!





I did it again! (the easy way)

A lot of people would consider growing and selling my first business in just four years a success. And yes, I would agree!

But guess what?

With all the lessons I learned the first time around, I applied a new systematic approach the second time around and…

Sold my second company in 2022 for more money and in half the time!

I couldn’t believe it. I’m still pinching myself to make sure it wasn’t a dream.


Then I had an epiphany.

I asked myself…

“What are the things people HATE about the marketing industry?”

Feeling Stuck

DIY will take 10 years

You’ve tried this for a long time and haven’t gotten anywhere, right?

Too busy working in your business.

Too little time to do marketing.

Too little time to figure it out.

Too much stress and frustration.

Doing it on your own sucks balls.

Feeling Stuck

Agencies suck

You probably got burned by marketing agencies before, right?

They don’t listen to you.

They don’t know your brand.

They charge overpriced fees for “something” every month.

You don’t even know what that “something” is!

Those jokers will alway be jokers.

Feeling Stuck

Most courses are crap.

You’ve bought them all and none of them worked. right?

They lacked structure and organization.

They lacked community.

They lacked absence from the creator.

You weren’t motivated or held accountable to execute and implement.

Bottom line, they didn’t meet your expectations.

You deserve to be surprised… in a good way.

What if there was a way to turn your business into a legitimate, marketing machine on AUTOPILOT


all the crap?

Introducing a

New Marketing System


All the excitement of starting a coaching businesswithout the risk to your revenue.

All the hope of doing marketing that actually works⸻without the anxiety of daily social posts.

All of the plans to do marketingwithout the overwhelm of what to do next.

As many sales as you can handlejust by building it and starting the ignition.

One Sale a Day

What would it mean if you made one sale per day, all on autopilot? And you knew you were building a solid relationship in the background? Now imagine this was happening while you were spending time with family, traveling, or something else?

What would that mean to your business and personal life?

Nothing like this exists

This is a true 100%, legitimate autopilot solution

In the past, I thought the idea of being a successful coach or course creator was this mythical creature…like a unicorn. Guess what? It actually is possible to do this.

All you need is:

💧 A step-by-step blueprint on how to build this out
💧 Guidance along the way when you get stuck
💧 A one-page snapshot of how it all works
💧 A community of people just like you
💧 Something easy-to-consume and execute
💧 A program that encourages self-pace
💧 Accountability

My family is


First, I’m a husband and father. Business is secondary.

I’m saying this because I want to be very clear that I’m not all about that “hustle and grind” culture or the “look at me in front of my private plane” facade. If that’s you, just exit this page now.

I just wanted to find an autopilot solution to get my time freedom.

Don’t get me wrong, I love money.
But I want to make as much money as possible WITHOUT sacrificing time with my family.

That’s why I created the DRIP X system. I want to show others that think just like me and show what I did to create this life.

Does this describe you?

If you’ve read this far on the page…

You might be like “f yeah but does it work?”

F yeah it does.

Just see how many people LOVE us. These aren’t fake ass people with a first name and last initial. This is real. I just don’t know how else to be other than real.

Watch the life-changing, 60-minute training

if this describes you

Currently here…

⚪ 5-10+ Years in a Job or Running Brick-and-Mortar

⚪ Feeling of Being Stuck

⚪ Start or Grow a Course or Coaching Business

⚪ Grinding Every Single Day

⚪ Lacking a Marketing Blueprint

Want to be here…

⚪ A Thriving Course or Coaching Business

⚪ A Marketing System on Autopilot

⚪ No More Hustle and Grind

⚪ More Time Freedom with Family or Travel

⚪ A Complete Marketing Blueprint and True Community

Still not convinced?

We’ve got more super fans

Soooooo you’ve made it this far.

Go one more step.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re still wondering why there isn’t just a “buy now” button so you can see how much this is. And why TF am I asking you to watch a 30-minute long video BEFORE you do anything else. How old school is that, am I right? This guy can’t be for real.

DRIP X isn’t for ALL people. You wanna shop around still? Great. Go do it.
You wanna spend 30 minutes on Threads or TikTok versus watching my kick ass video? Have at it.

Maybe you just wanna grind even harder – double down on what you’re already doing? By all means.

It doesn’t affect me. It affects YOU. Because here’s the thing….

You’ve got 99 marketing problems, and watching this video will solve like 98 of them.

It just might change your life.

I’m calling you to COURAGE.


When it comes down to it, you’re not lacking more information. You’re lacking the right environment, structure, game plan, and parameters to make your vision become a reality.

Imagine a life where marketing is easy and you know exactly what happens next.

Imagine a life where you’re making money in your sleep, on vacation, or during family time.

Imagine a life where instead of feeling burdened, stressed, and overwhelmed, you feel relief, accomplished, and excited.

You can have these things. I know because I was once you.

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